Monday, September 14, 2009


I love weddings for a variety of reasons. I love watching the groom stand and watch his bride walk down the aisle. I love the public commitment the couple makes before God and the witnesses that they will do, what the vows say.

One of the most significant moments of the day happens when most people are gone. It is a time when I gather the couple and have them sign the legal documents. This signature is one of the most important they will ever make in their lives.

By signing this document they are officially and legally sealed in the eyes of the government and before God. I love this moment because the bride writes her new name for the first official time. I stood close by this Saturday, and watched it happen again.

Often when this happens, I whisper a prayer to God; "Dear Jesus help them to remember this commitment, and may they never walk away from each other, and may they stay married until death parts them."

That is my prayer for Grace Community too. May we turn the tide and be known as a church where couples stay madly in love with Jesus, and each other, until they die.

May this song below encourage you to remember your vows

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