Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Armed and Ready to Go

I wonder how many Christians took time today, and prepared themselves for the battle that the Enemy will bring our way, today? I wonder how many will be wounded and shot down because they refuse to put on the Spiritual Armor of God?

This weekend I was once again reminded of the importance of being armed and ready for Battle.

We had a variety of ways for men to shoot shotguns and rifles. We shot skeet and even some watermelons that were tossed in the air. (by the way this was a hoot to watch 10 men blow up a melon.) We shot at targets with a rifle and made a team competition with it.

A couple of things struck me as men lined up and shot down the target. The target was disintegrated when men stood together and shot. There was a victory shout as the target dropped. AND the target didn't have a chance when men made a conscious decision to battle as one.

I also reflected on the need to reload after every skirmish. We couldn't rely on our last victory or outcome to get us through for the present. But we needed to reload and shoot again. I wondered how many men who have tasted victory in the past, are being knocked down today because they didn't reload.

The Battle will not be over until God calls us home and the enemy is still kicking, and wants to destroy our lives. So team up, reload and get in a posture of offense ready to whip the enemy's butt!

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