Monday, October 5, 2009

here kitty kitty kitty...

Okay, you know where I stand with cats. And you know that my daughter has begged me with her puppy eyes, over a million times, to get a pet these past 15 years. I have held out, and rightly so, with all kinds of logic. Who is going to feed them? Who will watch them when we are on vacation? We can use the money that we would feed a cat with, and feed orphans (now that has been my best arsenal yet).

So yesterday during the message at Grace, I told the story of how God had finally given us some pets, it fact 7 of them. They live in our garage, they don't need to be fed, don't take up much room, they are only seen when the lights come on, and they are free to take care of. In fact, we could even name them. Well, my wife and daughter don't like the fact that they are mice.

To me it is an animal, and one that comes free to those that live in country. Well, during the message yesterday, I had some fun telling my little story, and we laughed a lot as it unfolded

So guess what ended up in our garage this morning? In fact, it spent the night in our garage. The cat pictured above! Anne and Hannah have already given it a name, Smokey! I've been around the block a few times and I know someone out there from Grace dropped this cat off last night. I am certain they laughed hilariously as they drove away. Anne has tried to convince me all morning to keep the little guy, telling how we need dead mice.

Imagine my wife wanting to see our seven little micey, cute little defenseless micey, being eaten by Smokey. I'm not sure what the next step is, especially when you have two beautiful women giving you puppy eyes, with a lowered bottomed lip, uttering words like Please, Please, Please!


Keith's Blog said...

Jim . . .

I share your feelings about cats. About 18 years ago my daughter gave me that look and we ended up with two of them! One is still living and with us. This is a difficult step of sanctification for me and you.


MarlaMae said...

Oh, Jim! Might as well give it a hug! You know cats ALWAYS gravitate to those who like them least--you are toast, my friend!!!

Unknown said...

amen keith!

Unknown said...

Im in trouble marla

Unknown said...

We LOVE our cat and I'm huge on saving money and coupons. We frequently get free cat food and free litter with our coupons and spend $15/year on shots at Petco. I promise you, its not a huge financial investment!

jkramer said...

If someone dropped off a big mean dog that did not like cat’s, would that help?

Dana said...

Oh for heaven's sake, Jim......give it up! Those two women adore you and would do anything for you.....all they're asking for is one stupid cat. And by the way, even our orphans have a pet dog....check out the Asia's Hope site then click on Projects in Cambodia then click on Battambang 2, then Summer 09 and look through all of the pics of our will see one that has a little more fur than the others!

Unknown said...

Your killing me dana

Tim Boucher said...

Give in Jimmy Brown...Give in! You're missing out bro! IT'S TIME to put your selfish ways behind you!! ;)