Friday, July 29, 2011

Life is fleeting

A few years ago I married this dear couple in a small outdoor ceremony. God had brought them together and they were a match made from heaven. I remember the day Scott gave his life to Jesus and decided to follow him.

It was a beautiful evening as the sun was setting on the ceremony and they seemed to have many rich years of marriage ahead of them. Iris was a perfect fit for Scott and they made each other stronger.

Yet, this year out of nowhere I received a call that Scott has passed away in his sleep. Iris noticed he wasn't moving and well, he was dead. It was so heart-wrenching to witness this, because they genuinely loved each other and he was too young to die at 42.

Iris just let me know that she is moving this week to be closer to her family. Her response during this loss has been impeccable. I watched her faithfully come and worship each Sunday morning over the last couple of months and cling to the hope of Jesus. I miss Scott and I will miss Iris. I really don't have answers to these kind of losses. But it makes me appreciate the time I have with my wife and kids.

All that to say this, love the ones you're with today. Take time today to hug them, hold them, laugh with them, and tell them, "I love you!" You will be missed Scott and Iris!

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