Monday, February 20, 2012

my personal thoughts on Fight Club

Yes we just completed the 1st chapter of a brand new ministry called Fight Club at Grace Community Church. For many years I have said that the normal men's ministry model in the local church has lost its steam and that men were not living to their redemptive potential.

For far too long we have asked men to sit in a room and talk about theology or a Bible passage, drink some coffee, eat a breakfast together and say this is the best model for discipleship. While that isn't the case for all churches it usually has that model in some fashion.

Yet, I knew and have witnessed first hand that men do not grow best that way. They need so much more then that to develop in their walks with God. So along the way we have went against the grain of normal operating procedures of men's ministries. As a result of that men started running to Grace Community because they longed for more. In fact, we have been accused of being too male-led by some in our community. Yet, most if not all godly women long to see their man come alive and to lead their marriages, homes, and communities in a godly way.

So I have been begging God to put all the pieces together for a discipleship program for men that would explode like a bomb. Well, God did just that and we began a brand new Fight Club ministry at Grace.  It carries all the elements that men are longing for, competition, brotherhood, vulnerability, fun, passion, a need to be challenged, a cause worth rearranging their schedule around, a member's only attached to it, a chance to be pushed physically, emotionally, and spiritually, a sense of belonging with a band and shirt, spontaneity, a fighter's mentality, consequences if they don't perform, a deep camaraderie, in your face accountability partners, a way to study that wasn't only in the classroom, an award ceremony, a secrecy to it,  and so much more.

As I stood there last night in a packed auditorium at our awards ceremony I realized that a fresh revival just dropped from heaven.  And God has given something to Grace Community that has the chance to revolutionize the local church around the world.

Just ask any family member what took place in the first chapter of Fight Club and they will vouch for me. Please God take this new way to reach men and change the world. Below is a small snapshot of what I have been trying to say.

My name is Jim Brown I am a Fight Club Man!

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