Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The extra mile

So, as I reflect back over this weekend I am so proud of my church. Few pastors ever get a chance  to lead a dynamic group of followers like Grace Community Church. Our church is loaded with Christ-followers who get it, volunteers who serve without any fanfare and who serve wholeheartedly. 

I often get asked how do you get so many people to serve at Grace Community, I tell people we just put sign-up sheets out with some ink pens and people volunteer. There were literally hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people serving on Easter Sunday. And every single person was genuinely excited to see people cross over and surrender to Jesus. 

Along the way, people have had much to say as to the way we go all out on Sundays to make it a celebrative event. I will leave it at that. Yet, as a church we firmly believe we have the greatest news for mankind. So we choose to unashamedly do whatever it takes to get the good news of Jesus out there.
So today, I walked to our stage and snapped a photo of the rolled-up paper trash that was tossed into the above trash can and thanked God for all the people at Grace who go the extra mile and volunteer week in and week out.

Besides there is no greater joy then watching someone trust Jesus as their LORD and SAVIOR!

I am proud to be the senior pastor of Grace Community Church!

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