Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Thank you Rich

When God calls your name and number you should listen and follow. This week marks the last week I get to do life in the office with one of my staff members, Rich Yauger. I am full of a variety of emotions as I watch this week unfold: sad, happy, grieving, excited, laughing and tears. But I am so very grateful... and here is why..

Rich has been a great teammate for these 12 years. He has made our team stronger. He has made me a better man of God. He has been instrumental in assisting so many great moves of God. He has poured life and love into my own children and they are better because of it. He has brought wisdom to the mix during some of the most critical moments in our church's history. He has lead well from the second chair because he has been an equal among us. He has shown us how to run with an umbrella through the park. He has worn more undignified outfits for teen gatherings then most have ever seen. He has built our youth ministry into a thriving life on life experience. He has left love touches on our people in ways that have made people feel loved and important. He has caused me to laugh uncontrollably in environments that I should not have. He has brought stability and strength to our team. He has left a legacy of tenderness, love, wisdom and transparency that I look up to.

I am going to miss you Bud. And I am a better man because of your friendship. I pray that you soar in your next ministry position. I pray that God blesses the socks off of you and Carol, Ezra, Mercy, Torah and Judah. 

I love you and thank the Lord for these past 12 years!

Go Rock the World, Yaugs!


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