So here I sit on a sabbatical, after digging in to the Gospel of Matthew, and find myself in tears, reflecting on this first big dream. I will never forget our first worship on Easter Sunday, 1268 people packed out our building five years ago. It was stirring as many gave their hearts to Jesus. It was literally a dream come true.
Today, I want to stop and say thanks to everyone who made this happen.Every single Grace Attendee who gave time, money, and their lives. My elder Board during this time, Terry Zebell,Tim Welling, Chris Judson, Ken Bickel, Chuck Cheek, Ross Munn... your love for people and for our God has caused the population of Heaven to increase and Hell to decrease.
Two other guys stand out to me today, Pastor Jeremiah and Pastor Rich, (pictured above) these guys were the first full-time hires on my staff. I love you guys, as I do the rest of the staff today, but I want to say thanks for the early days of laboring to get us to this point. What a ride guys!
Here is a blast from the past, our last Soccer Camp on our property, before we sold it.
Here We Come, We're right behind you, Here we come, We're not afraid, Here we come our eyes wide open, Ready to see a miracle today! Can't wait to see what is next!
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