Thursday, September 17, 2009

Whatever you've done for the...

Whatever you've done for the least of these you have done for me... Those are words that keep me awake at night. Those are words that keep me on track in my personal life and as I lead Grace Community.

Every person we love is Jesus in flesh and bone. When we feed the hungry, help the poor, visit those behind bars, and give a drink to those in need, we live out our faith.

Every Thursday, an underground group of volunteers serve here at Grace. They cook a breakfast for families that are hungry. They do it out of the public eye without any praise from man. They are Jesus to many hurting families.

At the same time we have individuals (see first photo above) who come and hand out $30 food vouchers to families, who meet the criteria we have laid out. They do it with joy and love. They too are Jesus to many lonely people.

We don't advertise this ministry, we just do it, because people are in need. In fact, if you walked in our building on a Thursday it is overflowing with families wanting help. We limit the number of vouchers to 30 each week. People line up as soon as the doors are open to receive help. And they receive a number from 1 to 30. I love the smiles that permeate the church from these precious people that are helped. Besides why wouldn't we want to make Jesus smile?

A heart-felt thanks to the many volunteers who come week after week with no recognition, but do exactly what Jesus asks us to do. There is no doubt in my mind you will hear this in heaven one day; well done ! Oh yeah, by the year's end, we will have blessed people with over $40,000.00 in food vouchers. Now that just blesses my heart! Great job church!

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