Tuesday, October 20, 2009

He is out there

Took a late night walk in the woods with Isaiah tonight. We made the rounds to our deer stands. I come alive in the woods, and it helps me unplug from all the stuff at Grace. This creek flows through the property that I hunt on, and it was extra beautiful.

While we moved from stand to stand we found some good sign that he is out there. Sometime over night he left his marker that said, I'm here.

We snapped off this photo and waited quietly in the woods to see if he would come by. He didn't tonight, but after seeing all the ground scrapes and buck rubs on the trees we know he will.

It got me thinking, even though I didn't see him, I know he is out there, because he has left plenty of evidence. Seems like, that is exactly what God does all the time. He reminds us daily that he is out there, and is nearby even though we might not see him.

Matthew 28:20b And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

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