Thursday, November 5, 2009

Universals, field trips, and hugs

Today I took a walk with the kids. Even though there are language barriers in Thailand, since I can't speak Thai there are ways to over come this.

A hug is a universal language, as is holding hands. I absolutely loved this time this afternoon, as I took kids on a field trip. We stopped and looked at flowers, trees, pigs, dogs, okra, beans, and every green plant on this side of the sun.

I would point to the object and speak the word and they would all say it together. You should have heard them say snort-snort and pig!

Holding hands is a universal language.

Hannah celebrated her birthday Thai style last night. She received a birthday hat. The kids sang and we had dessert. Birthday parties are universal too, as we sang happy birthday to Hannah and every other kid that had a birthday this month.

Everyone loves a party no matter where you find yourself.

Every child wants to have their mom or dad say, I am proud of you. We became the moms and dads today, as the kids lined up and sang, and non-verbally said "watch me, look at me, see how much I have learned." Wanting your mom and dad to be there and be proud of you is universal too. It was so much fun to be in the picture today for orphan kids!

But the absolute best Universal language is a smile. Every chance I had today, I made it a point to smile at a child as they sang, danced, or just came passing through.

Gotta go and Cross the barriers with some hugs tonight! When is the last time you have been hugged by 14 kids at once?

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