Friday, November 6, 2009

More blessed to give...

Last night we had a slumber party with our kids. We invited them over to the Host's home and had a sleepover. Now keep in my mind that these kids have never done this before. Imagine 16 kids all gathered in one place to sleep over.

What they didn't know was that we were waiting, with new blankets, coats, jammies, and a toy for each child. I could hardly contain my tears as they beautiful children received these gifts.

Just picture this precious girl above in the hill tribes before she was rescued.

Each child held tightly to their new possessions, yet they shared openly. Teddy bears are loved in Asia .

This was the very first new toy they have ever owned. Our team could hardly wait to give these gifts. We waited in the house like a parent does on CHRISTMAS morning for the kids to arrive.

The boys were given trucks and tractors and we zoomed for hours with them. We held them while they watched a movie that was projected on the wall. I didn't want to move as two boys had sleepy eyes on my lap.
We were able to make sure the orphan home had a brand new roof put on it, a new water pump for their well, a brand new laptop for the Tutu.
When we put them down for the night, I was impressed even more, with our house parents, as they go through this routine every night with 16 kids.
You are more blessed to give than to receive!

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