Saturday, December 5, 2009


I walked by this trailer this morning, while deer hunting. There it sat, bound to a tree. It no longer served the purpose it was intended to serve. One day, long ago it was parked, because it wasn't being used. One day turned into months, even years.

Now it is stuck, it can't be moved unless the tree is actually cut down that keeps it bound. You know this didn't happen overnight it was a long, drawn out process.

This same thing happens to people. They have these moments where they settle in their faith. They pull away,and they refuse to move beyond their comfort zone. And before they realize it, they are bound to this place in life, by their own choices.

The only thing that can get them out is for a major extraction to take place. I wonder how many of us need a chainsaw or two in our lives, to cut us loose, so that we can live the way Jesus intended us to? Don't settle because Jesus went through too much on the cross!

1 comment:

MarlaMae said...

This post has my name written all over it, Jim! God's doing everything He can to remind me to depend on Him and not the things of this world. This post was the most recent, and not so gentle, reminder that I need to be more proactive in the process! I do thank Him for putting you on my life's path. Thanks so much for being a no-nonsense, straight-forward teacher!