Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wall Art

Ghost-town, Post-rapture, Gang-takeover, those are the words that came to mind, as I entered St. Joe Medical Hospital last night.

I was visiting a patient and as soon as I entered the lobby, it was obvious that this hospital was on the way out. Rooms were vacant, walls were covered with graffiti, furniture was missing and people were absent.

So, we soon received the scoop that the hospital would be closed in a few days, and the staff had handed out Sharpie Pens, so that people could scribble graffiti on the walls. This is a kid's dream to write on the walls.

Hannah jumped right in, as did Isaiah. Besides, when is the last time you got to show your artwork on a wall, other than what you scribbled in a bathroom stall?

Well, as we were trying to find our way to the room, we looked down the hallway, and were pleased to find some wall art for us. I must admit it was a hoot to have such personal directions.
At least, I didn't have to ask for directions. Before we left the room of the hospital, Hannah said you better watch out mom and dad, "I might wake up tonight and scribble on our walls."
I wondered as I prayed with the individual, if this might be the last prayer offered in this hospital, before they tear it down?


Andy Jewett said...

Yeah... that is the hospital that Sara has been working at for years (CT scan, she'll be moving to the new hospital this week I believe), definitely strange to see it go. I guess there was some pretty interesting graffiti next to the morgue entrance.

Jill said...

its scary for me to see medical places get tore down and new ones go up. ive worked in the medical enviroment for over 25 yrs. and it always seems as though, old buildings get tore down, and new ones go up to see how they can make it LOOK better, not necessary better for the patients just have it look better for the public. and all new technical machines, so our ins. goes up and up. and the ones that cannot afford medical tx. is once again stuck. Im so sorry for being so negative, but ive seen this over the years and when working at hospitals, alot of people would wait till their almost dead before getting treatment due to no ins. I just wish things could be more simple, and less expensive, and we wouldnt have to out do the next place or hospital that was just built. God Bless this building and all involved. Jill Slabaugh-Hostetter