Thursday, September 30, 2010

what might happen if

I was floored this week with this verse, and it is still ripping me up. Hosea 11:8 My heart is changed within me all my compassion is aroused.

You see, to think that God's compassion was aroused again, hit me hard. Or that there was a point in time when his heart was changed, because of his care and concern for a group of people. I wonder if the world sees that kind of compassion in us regularly? I wonder if we are truly broken over the desperate condition that people find themselves in? I wonder if we feel like our gift to mankind is to be quick to point our everything they could do better? I wonder if people would come to us and bare their pain, because they knew we really cared? I wonder how many people we work with, walk by today, or live near, that need love, grace, and compassion, and not another reminder of their frailties.

In this picture above, are people with stories. One person is on home detention, another is unemployed, another is newly married, another has a pretty ill parent... And some are just hurting. And I wonder was our compassion aroused in some way, as we crossed paths this weekend.

All that to say this, it is God's kindness that brings people to repentance. I wonder what might happen if we asked Jesus to help us see the world like he does and ask him to arouse our compassion? I have ideas what might happen, the world would be won to Jesus, by our love!

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