Thursday, February 17, 2011

it's booked and I'm stoked

Every once in a while, out of no where God blows your doors off with something extra special. Well, just recently that happened to me. Most of you know that I love the outdoors and love spending time in God's creation hunting.

I come alive in the outdoors and time spent there refreshes me and draws me closer to God. Well, I have been given a chance to black bear hunt in Alaska at Prince William Sound. Yes, I will be spending a week on the shorelines looking for black bear. This hunt is not on baited barrels and that excites me even more.

We will land in Anchorage and drive to Whittier by the Portage Glacier. I am overwhelmed and blessed by the generosity of a friend to make this happen.

Sam Armington leads these adventures and I will be traveling with him. As Sam says, have you ever heard the cry of the wolf at night? I thank the Lord for this incredible opportunity in May of this year.

The trip is booked and I am stoked. Sam is pictured above with a bear he bagged. Imagine one of our walls at home lined with a big black bear rug! Sometimes God chooses to bless us with something that seems way off the dream list! Thanks Sam and thanks God!

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