Sunday, March 27, 2011

final wrap up

Today I wrapped up our "4Keeps" Marriage Series with the message "Staying in Love." I shared some practical ways to keep our love strong. We opened up the final message with Jeremy and Jeremiah singing I will walk 500 miles. It was so much fun watching the two of them ham it up together. I just love these guys and we are blessed to have two super worship pastors.
At the end of the service after Marcie and Jeremiah in the Main, and Jeremy and Ginger in the Link, sang the song "When I said I do" I gave married couples a chance to renew their vows. I was deeply moved as couples stood all over the auditoriums and repeated after me. I then encouraged them to kiss their brides. There were lots of tears.

Now I as wrap this up, I just pray that the marriages at Grace Community stay intact and flourish until death parts them. We used lots of fun props and music for this series. Go lead men and be the gatekeeper of your families!

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