Saturday, December 31, 2011

The final day

As I sit here in the comforts of this lodge I find myself reflecting on all the things God has done this past year in my life. It is good for the soul to just pull away and listen to God. In a world that will run at break-neck speed unless you hit the pause button these kind of moments are critical in one's journey.

I'm reminded that God never wastes a day. Seriously, consider that for a minute or two. He is always on mission and longs to use us to accomplish his will. He never sleeps or slumbers, he never calls in sick, he never takes a lunch break, he never punches out, he is never unavailable to our prayers that are non-stop.

Those realities remind me that I need him and he wants me to need him. He doesn't need us he wants us. Everything about his character exudes reaching out.

Yet in a world that exalts self -made men and individualism I am once again reminded that He makes me strong, he holds my life together, he uses me to do good things, he protects me, he gives me creativity, he gives me the wisdom to lead others, he loves me, he has placed a destiny on my life, he has gifted me to preach, he has given me good health, he blessed me with my precious wife Anne, he gave me three children who love Jesus, he makes me laugh, he speaks to me, he builds Grace Community Church, he placed me in my precious family from Maryland, he gives me unspeakable joy, he lightens my load, he sends ministering spirits to comfort me, he gives me direction for the new year, he does it all through us.

So today I tell the God I love and serve; thank you, for it is without you I could do nothing. May I live in such a way this year Lord that others are pointed to you and find the same undeserving salvation that I have so richly been given.

Sent from my iPad

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