Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Moment

This Photo captures an epic moment in the life of an individual. This moment is a reminder of the reason why Jesus came at Christmas. He came to seek and to save those that were lost.

As we prepared for our Christmas Eve Services we regularly reminded each other that everything was being accomplished for this moment; the moment when lost people can cross over to life in Jesus Christ.

As a reminder of this decision we gave individuals a chance to receive a flashlight so they could remember this moment. A moment when they walked from darkness to light. In all of our four services God moved and many trusted Jesus as their personal Savior.

I sat at a Basketball Game last night with a Father who told me the story of his son who gave his life to Jesus on Christmas Eve. He told me that it was the best Christmas gift he has ever received.

There is nothing like looking eye to eye with an individual who just crossed over from death to life. These kind of moments keep this pastor's heart alive!

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