Wednesday, November 7, 2012

when a man finds a wife

The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the LORD.Proverbs 18:22

I am that man! As a young man I had many desires in what I thought would be a great wife for me. My list was long and I prayed on many occasions that I would become the man that could live up to the expectations I had placed before God in a wife.

Well, God knew what he was doing when he allowed me to cross paths with Anne. Few men, let alone few husbands get the opportunity to find the treasure that I found in my wife. My wife carries the DNA of greatness. She is always ready for a new venture, spends a large part of her time on her knees interceding for us; has the faith of few women that I have ever met, can walk into a room without much fanfare, but when she has left you feel the vacuum of her absence; has graced my life with support, wisdom, and fun; fights valiantly for me and her children; can scratch together food that others would marvel at; is able to smile at the days ahead regardless of hardship or great victory; is not high maintenance; never speaks an ill word about me publicly or privately; fills our home with peace and joy, understands and values good health; mothers her children with tender care and with tenacious protection; is a true lover when it comes to romance; can converse and articulate with the brightest minds on planet earth, has a fun, wild side that lights my fire; worry is remiss in her life...

But even more then that, she understands her man... Feeds his love language, is willing to camp in 22 degree temperature, frees him up to be the man God has created him to be, makes him stronger with her own strengths, and will at a moment's notice pick up and do something spontaneous just because ...

So all that to say this as I look at this picture that was snapped this past weekend, I realize that I have found a treasure in Anne. And I am a blessed man because she said yes to Jimmy Brown some 24 years ago. I feel favor from God each day as I walk through life with the wife of my youth!

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