Sunday, April 28, 2013

everything changes for women when they get this down

During our service this morning we had a pin-drop moment, as I expressed how much God loves women.

Let me explain, when my daughter Hannah was younger she used to put this dress and shoes on and twirl around in front of me. She would always ask me "Daddy am I beautiful?" or "Daddy am I pretty?" I would respond on cue, and said "honey you are beautiful and you are my little princess."

She would run out the room in her plastic pumps, giggling as she left. As I expressed this morning, our Father-God looked at all the women he created today and said "I am enthralled with your beauty!"

When a woman feels beautiful and finds her identity in Jesus it changes her own perspective of how she views herself. Her view is no longer distorted by what others say. Plus, when the enemy tries to attack her beauty she deflects his attacks.

All that to say this, Ladies, you are a princess to the God who created you and that will never change. Now all you have to do is speak that truth to yourself, instead of believing the lies of the Enemy.

Let the King be enthralled by your beauty, honor him, for he is your LORD! Psalm 45:11

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