On our way home from Momentum Youth Conference we noticed a car broken down on the side of the road; the car was on the opposite side of the road headed in a different direction. We were tired and wanted to get home as I had Sunday's message on my mind and a full weekend to get ready for.
However, God had other things in store. After being challenged with the "I am second" theme at Momentum I knew God wanted us to stop and assist the man. So I pulled off the road and wound down my window and asked if I could help him out. He shouted that he needed water, which was very obvious as steam was rolling out of his engine. We quickly scanned our vehicle and realized we didn't have water nor a container to place it in. I told him that I would be right over.
I drove up the road and did a 180 and parked behind his vehicle and approached him. I walked up and introduced myself and had some friendly conversation. He was content to sit there awhile and let his Lincoln cool down. I wished him well and sent him a blessing from God and headed to my car. He thanked me for stopping.
Now this is where the story turns... I jumped in the SUV ready to do a 180 and head home, but the Spirit prompted me to go and see if I could find water down the road. So, I prayed a simple prayer that went like this "dear God would you do something really special now and provide a way for us to get water and a container to put it in." Not ten seconds after I prayed that prayer, I looked to the side of the road and about 30 feet off the road was the one gallon container pictured above. We were just blown away, and even said "wow, God that is just awesome." I stopped my SUV and jumped out and grabbed the container which had some orange juice in it.
We then laughed and realized that God wanted to teach us something. Now we needed water, so I stopped at the first house and a man was in the garage working on a vehicle. I introduced myself and explained the situation. He walked into his kitchen and filled the container full. We were now set to help out the dude with the broken down car.
I have to admit, that I could hardly wait to get back to the broken down car and tell this dude what had just inspired and how we prayed and God dropped a jug on the side of the road; and then we would see this dude get saved!
So we headed north again, thinking that the man was destined to get saved after all this. But, as we neared the point where he should have been, he was gone. We were saddened that we couldn't help him and we really wanted to tell this miraculous story of this Dude's salvation. But, God wanted something else.
Maybe, he just wanted to show us, that he can drop jugs on the road when we pray. Maybe, he wanted to see if we were obedient and would listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Maybe, he wanted us to encourage the dude in the garage that gave us water. Maybe, we entertained an angel in disguise. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to encourage you today by pointing out he hears your prayers and can in a second's notice provide for you. In any case, our God is alive and well and listens to the prayers of his kids!
How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?
[image: How Much of Christianity Remains a Secret?]
How much of the Christian faith has already been revealed to us now, and
how much of it remains a secre...
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