Every once in a while God does something to show his approval on the mission. About 4 years ago www.fightclub414.com was launched here in Goshen at our church. It began as a burden in my heart to reach men and God put wings to it by setting it into motion in the local church.
4 years later it is in 170 churches across America and by God's grace men's lives are being radically transformed with this discipleship tool. Jesus does the transformation, Fight Club is the tool. I have witnessed first hand the impact it has had on men and have witnessed some amazing resurrections.
Every new venture, mission, and vision, is tested and critiqued along the way and those are the very things that can make it better. We have made some adjustments along the way and are releasing a 2.0 version this year.
I believe with all of my heart that if you get the man, you get the family, you get the community, and you get the world for Jesus!
What was started to help the local church is now reaching men from Alaska to California to Florida and everywhere in between.
And there is nothing like seeing another Fight Club grad wearing his FC band in public. I have run into men in airports, at Pro Golf matches, at amusement parks, churches, and all over the country. But this week we got word that Justin Masterson a Professional baseball player for the Boston Redsox is a Fight Club graduate. I must admit that excites me.
So to all my Fight Club Brothers out there, how about a shout out to Justin and few prayers that Jesus will use him in a powerful way in the MLB!
Congrats on the graduation dude! Glad to know you're a Fight Club Man!! #TelltheWorld
Justin is a great guy! His dad was my Grandparents' pastor for years, and he went to Bethel College. Great guy and really a great Fight Club rep for others! -Lael
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