In order for us to become the person God wants us to be, we must get real. Seriously, how many of us have fallen way short of our redemptive potential because we refuse tell the truth about ourselves? How many of us live a fake life and say everything is fine when it isn't? How many of us choose to spend our lives blaming someone else for our inadequacies?
In order for us to get to higher ground we must leave our seats of complacency and take the hard, honest walk in faith to the chair on higher ground.
Strip your mask today and leave your seat of blame and fake-ness and soar! The road will be hard but the view from the top is breathtaking!
Does God Believe in Atheists?
[image: Does God Believe in Atheists?]
People for millennia have said, in one way or another, “There is no God.”
Pastor John describes five ways we suppres...
1 comment:
My "get real" test:
Not so important to get real with people but with God because if I'm real with God, I'll be real with others.
The test is: Do I worship God when alone with him as much as I do when in front of others? Is my passion for him the same when it is just him and me? Am I zealous for the Lord in my alone time, my thoughts when I wake up and go to sleep? Do I acknowledge his presence when I walk through my day?
Do I treat this God, as if he left us alone only to return some day? Is he to me, when I'm alone, an Almighty Holy God of Spirit, ever present before me?
To know God, is to both fear him as Moses and love him Mary did as she wept at his feet, so when this relationship is right, then will others be.
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