Friday, February 22, 2013

spilling my guts

We hosted our first ever Guts Conference yesterday, for men in ministry. It takes a lot of volunteers to pull this off. We had over 20 men take  the day off of work, take vacation days to serve. I am so very grateful for the men that sacrificed to make this Conference happen.

These volunteers prayed over pastors and ministry leaders as they entered our doors. All over the place these volunteers were seen engaging with other men and pouring into them.

They packed Guts Bags with Conference stuff that men could take with them.

 They set up tables and displays so that men could interact before and after the sessions.

They helped check men in as they picked up name tags and info for the day.

They played on our worship team so that men could worship our Awesome GOD.

They served coffee and helped  point men in the right direction...

 They mixed it up in the LINK and served men..

They talked to men in ministry who were sitting on the fringes
They helped to create an environment that allowed men to spill their guts! I love how men and women serve at Grace Community. What God is doing here is truly not normal. We are blessed to be loaded with men and women who understand what it means to give, serve, and love Jesus.

Many other thanks go to men and women who prayed, opened up their homes for men to sleep. And all my staff that used their talents to serve men on this day. I love it when a church understands that it is important to serve others so that they can spill their guts. Great job Grace Community, I am proud to be your pastor!

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