I'm in Philly this week for ministry meetings. The beginning of the week I met with four pastors that are part of thriving,kingdom advancing churches. I love sitting with these guys I come alive and am challenged with new ideas, new vision, new direction. It breathed new life into me. These guys were able to answers questions for me, that I just can't get anywhere else. We plan to meet again in the spring and ask God to use us to forcefully advance the Kingdom of God, forcefully. These guys are on offense, I love that posture and long for our church to remain there.
Yesterday, I spent time with two of these guys, and took a quick trip to the art museum, where Rocky ran the steps in his first movie. It was a blast to run those steps. I love the rush that went through me as I ran, it was something that I always wanted to do.

We also purchased some shirts, and snapped a photo by the Rocky statue. By the way the grass was more worn out there, then any other historical statue in Philly. That speaks volumes to me, about how people are inspired by overcomers, like Rocky. Oh yeah, I made it to the top, before Jason did.
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