Monday, November 3, 2008

A Walk in the Woods

I took time today and scouted my hunting stands with my family. It was absolutely awesome! I come alive when I walk in the woods, I get refreshed and creativity oozes out of me. I feel close to God when I venture out there. Isaiah and I climbed this tree stand below.
I am privileged to hunt on a piece of property near our home and it is loaded with deer. We drove around in my jeep, scouted for ground scrapes and trails. We climbed up in my stands to get a view and cleared a few spots for still hunting. We crossed a few streams, climbed some trees and hiked a few trails.
The leaves are rich and vibrant with color on the land. In two weeks this woods will have an excited hunter decked out in orange and camouflage. Hopefully the evenings and days I have spent scouting, will pay off. Take time today, and walk in the woods it will refresh you.

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