Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Dream of Christmas

We are trying to put the Merry back in Christmas. Each week we are doing video interviews that will be shown during our services. We have people from both campuses who are being interviewed.

This week we are unfolding the DREAM of CHRISTMAS. It is the setup message for the series. What is it that you dream about for Christmas? A long time ago a man by the name of Simeon, knew that Jesus was coming before he died. Simeon was around 80 years old, and he knew Jesus had to be coming soon. Imagine the anticipation he felt, as he woke each morning, wondering if this was the day the Messiah would be born. That is the same spirit we want for this series.

I think we have lost something, and I want us to recover the wonder, thrill, and hope of Christmas. I can't wait until tomorrow to unfold this account, when it had been dark for almost 400 years. And our of this silent period Jesus came!

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