Monday, December 1, 2008

Mom Upside Down

Mom upside down is WOW! I love my wife and I love the way she loves our kids. She is a phenomenal mom too. She has an intuitive understanding of when they need a special touch, or when they need some distance. I love the way she puts herself out there to show love; sometimes on the very edge.

At Grace each year, we go all out on Mother's Day. We call it "momma mania." We honor them, love on them, have a time of competition, take photos with kids, and give them a wild and zany thing to do when they leave. This year we brought in a ride that you see below. This cycle literally went upside down, and tracked how many laps you made.

The only way kids could ride on this was to have their mom do it with them. You should have seen the begging and pleading that took place with kids. Well Anne, jumped right on and got strapped on with Josh. She made us proud as she giggled, screamed and pedaled her heart out.

So why do we do such all-out things like this with moms? We want them to know that we love, honor, and appreciate them. PLUS, we just want to give them a chance to build some wild and crazy memories with their kids. Way to go Anne you still got it girl!

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