I sit here reflecting on what God did today in our services. We came into the day celebrating Mother's day with some fun and exciting things for our moms. We chose as a staff to remain in our end time series for the message.
In the midst of the message, I came to the period during the tribulation period, where God once again seems to give the lost a chance to repent. As I was preparing the message, I knew what God wanted me to do with this, and I listened
I just stopped mid sentence during the message and just laid the Gospel message out there. I asked if people wanted to repent and surrender their lives to Jesus. No music, no walking the aisle, just a bold declaration for people to stand right up, and confess Jesus as Lord.
You should have seen what God did after I just asked people to stand right up, as everyone else sat and watched. I counted to five and said I am not going to wait. People stood everywhere. I then asked them to pray out loud as they stood to confess Jesus as Lord. It was the most amazing act of courage I have ever seen displayed, as 88 people in our services stood and surrendered their lives to Jesus.
Oh yeah, half of them, about 40, stood in our satellite venu to video screens and plasma TVs and prayed. Wow, God, you blew us away this morning, and I am still floored by the move of God. I will never forget what I saw, and I will never forget the faces of the people as they stood courageously. Anyone else in blogging land blown away by this?
Does God Believe in Atheists?
[image: Does God Believe in Atheists?]
People for millennia have said, in one way or another, “There is no God.”
Pastor John describes five ways we suppres...
Blown a way!!!! Jim, thank you so much for following His leading this morning......the Daddy of the little boy that Emmon and I have bringing to Grace for about 3 years stood with you this morning and gave his life to Christ!!!!!We will be with him every step of the way as he takes this new walk. To God be the glory, but He often speaks through you as He did this morning!
That is awesome to hear, Jim! I will NEVER get tired of hearing these kinds of stories!
God is so good.
I could't say that enough. Sing it with me!
It's awesome to have end-time prophecy presented in such a meaningful way. Too often, we tend to think of prophecy as some boring "school-work;" somthing we don't really want to study, but feel we should. It's great to see here at Grace, though, that this series of messages on the end-times have been producing heart-felt change, just as prophecy was intended to do!
Amen, Jim! Thanks for your passion and commitment to reach the lost through the local church. It greatly encourages me as I try to lead Grace Church of Lititz in the same purpose...meeting people where they are and helping to move them to where He wants them to be!
All glory and honor and praise to you, Lord! Thanks, Jim, for presenting God's Word in such a way that we experience it in a personal way!
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