Friday, July 3, 2009

Reading List this week

I had a blog reader ask me recently to post what I am reading. Well this is my list for this week. Not long ago I received a comment from a reader who said that the Bible is all that I need to read. While that is intrinsically true I sure have grown from the writings of Godly men and women.

Think about that thought for a second! Should we stop reading in school? Should we not read to learn? Should we not read newspapers? Where does it stop? Letters written by men? Throw away our libraries? I wanted to ask him why he was reading my blog, because it sure isn't the Bible?

Isn't it possible that God uses born again men and women to inspire us with wisdom and truth in their writings? Lest we forget, the authors who were carried along by the Holy Spirit to write the Bible, were human beings. In no way am I placing other books on the same level as the inerrant, infallible, life changing, Word of God. But a lot of redeemed authors of books sold on Amazon have shed some incredible insight and wisdom to this hungry follower of Jesus.

By the way I received an email from a man yesterday who works with Jon Gordon the author of "Training Camp." He came across my blog about reading the book and thanked me for the glowing review. His in laws actually live in Goshen and the next time he is in town, we are getting together. I also shared my desire to write a book myself and he said he would like to talk about that. I also received a complimentary PDF study guide to another book that Jon wrote. Now that is way cool!


Cindy Hawkins said...

I am one of those readers that requested your reading list, and I thank you!

I also think that the Bible is what we need to read, however sometimes we can be blinded by a truth that another persons perspective can bring to light for us.

There have been just as many other times that when I read or hear something from someone that doesn't quite sit well, it encourages me to dig into the Bible to see if I didn't understand something or if I was right in the first place.

I'm glad you're a reader, and thanks again for sharing your list!

Unknown said...

Brother Jim,

I would encourage you to read 'The Great Omission' by Dallas Willard. I view this writing as a valuable resource on intentional discipleship. His encouragement is to rise above traditional church understanding(s) and embrace the true meaning of discipleship - an active, concrete, 24/7 life with Jesus.

Hope the Sabbatical is giving you what you are needing every day.

David Grant

Andy Jewett said...

never stop reading... only pray for discernment.