Thursday, November 19, 2009

Same Thing Wrapped Differently

At Grace we want everyone alive to Fall in Love with Jesus! It should be our greatest goal to reach everyone with Jesus Christ! He is the author, perfecter, and finisher of our Faith!

We will do anything to introduce people to Jesus, with the exception of sinning. I have sat with people who are unwilling to wrap the glorious, life-changing gift of Jesus Christ in fresh way!

Lets face it, Paul said he was willing to become all things to all men to win people to Jesus. So at Grace we have worked overtime in prayer, in discussions, in times of fasting, to craft the most dynamic, life-changing presentation on Sunday mornings. We get our share of grief from others who say "you don't have to add all the illustrative stuff that you do, people should just be able to respond to Jesus without it." We've been accused of entertaining people, to that I just laugh and define the word entertain to them. Entertain = the ability to keep, hold, or maintain one's attention on the matter in front of them. And why wouldn't we want to do that with Jesus?

So the short and sweet is this, we try to present the life-changing message of the Gospel in creative, new ways, so that people are saved! Same thing wrapped differently! That is why I love this video, they took climbing steps and wrapped it differently and people came alive!


MarlaMae said...

Amen, and Amen!!

Unknown said...

Pastor Jim,

I feel I have such a long way 2 go....I looked at that video and wondered where the elevator that wrong....

The Joy Stealer