Friday, December 31, 2010


We took time this week to visit the grave site of my Grandma (Madeline) and Pap (William). As we stood there a flood of memories washed over my mind. I recalled the Christmas Eve gatherings where all the extended family gathered at their house. I recalled the time my Pap built a sledding course in the snow on our property and had the fastest sled even at 63 years old.

Story after story marched through my hard drive and I was instantly taken back to warm memories of my grandparents. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks as I walked away with my family close at hand. What might my kids say about me as they stand at my grave?

How will I be remembered?
Time will continue to beat on and sooner than later God will call me home. And all that will be left will be a tombstone and legacy. My hope is that when they walk away one day that some core values that I lived my life by will come to mind. But even more then that I hope they say that my dad, loved me my mom and Jesus more then anything in the world!
If that is how I am remembered then it will be worth it all. Plus I'm sure a crazy story will surface of how I tried to make them laugh. For the record, I miss my Grandma and Pap and look forward to seeing them in heaven one day.
Gotta go and bring in the New Year with my family!

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