Friday, April 1, 2011

The Other SIde of Yes

Sometimes you just go for it in life even if you don't have all the answers because the tug within your heart says do it.

You see, there are only certain things that God can teach you on the "Other side of Yes." I don't want to spend my life playing it safe and wondering what it might have been like to just trust God.

Looking at this picture above of me and Hannah jumping rope in Cambodia with our rescued orphans gives credence to this. I wasn't sure how it would all work out but I knew in my heart that Grace Community Church would follow through. God has shown us so much on the other side of yes and I am incredibly blessed as is my family and my church.

So what has God been whispering to you over these last couple of weeks and what things does he want to teach you if you are just willing to jump. To be quite honest I choose to live my entire life on the other side because it is so much more exhilarating and rewarding! Don't spend your life on the safe side because you will miss out on so many things that God wanted to show and teach you on the other side!

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