Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I love the local church that is on mission. I really believe that the local church can be the hope of the world. One of the many things I love about Grace Community Church is the way our people take the great commission to heart and put it into action.

Three years ago we decided to rescue orphan kids and give them hope in Jesus Christ. We have been blown away by the way God is working in our children. Just recently we notified them that we were going to build them a brand new Concrete Home in Thailand. When they received the news they went to the spot where the new home will be built and began to pray for it and for us.

Then they stood and said thanks to Grace Community Church. I am so grateful to get to serve and lead a church that understands the importance of the Gospel and the willingness to sacrifice and give so that other kids on the other side of the world can surrender to Jesus.

A big shout out to our kids in Thailand, we love you and thank you for your prayers! May this new building bring you new hope in your Savior Jesus  Christ! And a big thank you to the people of  Grace Community Church for not just talking about the Gospel but actually doing something about it!

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