Each year we work hard at planning our Father's Day Service. If you have spent any time with me, you will soon find out that I have a deep passion to see men come alive for Jesus Christ and to lead in our world. My wife told me yesterday as I was eating lunch on the grounds these words, "Jim this is what you have been made to do!"
I just know that something inside of me comes alive when I stand in front of large groups of men, whether they are young men or old men. It's as if God is saying,"Jim don't hold back, tell them the truth, they want to hear it."
So yesterday, as I was preaching from the dock in the pond this extra dose of stuff from God just lit me up, and I preached from that. My heart was racing and the Spirit was saying, "preach Jim, preach it!"
Near the end of the message I stepped off of the dock and walked out into the pond with a sword in my hand and told the story of the Alamo. I recalled how the captain who led this group against the much larger Mexican Army said he would fight to death. In the midst of the battle it is told that he grabbed his sword and drew a line in the sand and asked who would cross over and fight to death.
So yesterday, I walked to the edge of the pond and asked the Fathers in the crowd who would join me, and not only be willing to die for their families but live for them. I then asked if you are willing to do so, then join me on the other side of the line in the pond.
Well, God moved and hundreds of fathers walked in their shoes, shorts, and pants and shamelessly joined me on the other side. We then moved into a worship time led by Jeremy and Jeremiah that quite frankly rocked.
So I sit here on Monday morning and thank my God, for every man that took the stand yesterday. May this commitment change the world!
Living with Gospel-Sized Ambition
[image: Living with Gospel-Sized Ambition]
Acts 20:24 has encouraged and challenged Christians throughout the
centuries. How, in particular, has it shaped ...
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