My prayer lately has been that the Holy Spirit would breathe new life into the church of Jesus Christ. That Christians would link arms and support each other and set aside their differences and preferences, not convictions, and band together and reach the world for Jesus. The world needs to see vibrant, spirit-filled followers who will do whatever it takes to reach the lost in our world, because the time is short.
I long to see a bold, and courageous group of followers who have a fire burning in their guts for Jesus that can't be put out. I long to see people praying in large masses together and begging God to save souls and rescue the perishing. I long for a taste of Pentecost here in Goshen.
This morning we witnessed many cross the line and trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior yet what often isn't seen is what has happened prior to this moment.
Over the last couple of days people have been praying, pleading, begging, and interceding for individuals who were lost. The church was earnestly praying for souls to be saved. So before we gave people a chance to respond their hearts were already softened, because someone loved them enough to pray for them and plant a seed way before this day.
We had Christ-followers ready to receive those that came forward. They were prepared to love, pray, and welcome them as they made their way to the front. These pictures only capture one small moment from one of our 3 services. But they reveal what I viewed as I sat against the wall on the stage. I sat and wept with joy as my church loved on these new believers and it blessed my heart. May these pictures do the same for you.
Look at the firm hand on the shoulder of a man above...
The tender touch of woman ...
The grateful heart of a musician...
The hug of a few dudes on a dude...
A mother who walked to the front carrying her son being greeted by a motherly touch...
A man and woman taking in this life-changing moment in their lives...
The hands from behind on two brothers and women....
A pastor who longs to see the world won to Jesus and was able to witness first hand what God can do when the church prays. All glory to Jesus and his love for the world! Had it not been for Jesus then we all would be doomed to hell.
Time is short and many need Jesus.
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