Thursday, December 12, 2013

A big dose of _________ on its way

I love it when out of nowhere someone gets an unexpected blessing that deeply encourages them.

The Bible is clear that we are to Encourage one another! And that one simple gesture pours courage into someone. 

This Christmas Grace Community wanted to do that very thing for  some individuals who need a big dose of encouragement.

 So this past Sunday we gave our people a chance to do so through Angel Tree, The Window, Ribbon of Hope, and 10th Mountain Division Army in Afghanistan. 

Needless to say every single opportunity was taken...

My family joined in too by grabbing a box to send to the troops in Afghanistan. We actually have a family at Grace Community with a son serving there; Cody Vicary. So picture this compound above receiving 100 boxes of encouragement. 

Most likely it will be a crate dropped in on these soldiers who are far from home. My hope is that they will be deeply encouraged, as will all the other individuals receiving presents.

This morning I took time to pray for the safety of these troops and asked God to use this small gift from my family to bless them this Christmas season.

Picture if you can, 100 boxes of encouragement from back home saying "we love you and got your back in prayer!" May Courage be poured into these troops! Thanks for serving Cody!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1Thess. 5:11

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